I thank Oliver Beige for many helpful comments.

Fables or algorithms?

Economic theory formulates thoughts via what we call “models.” The word model sounds more scientific than the word fable or tale, but I think we are talking about the same thing. (Ariel Rubinstein)1

Are economic models useful for making decisions? One might expect that there is a clear answer to this simple question. But in fact opinions on the usefulness or non-usefulness of models as well as what exactly makes models useful vary widely - within the economic profession and of course even more so beyond. Sometimes the question feels like a Rorschach test - telling more about the person than about the subject.

In this post, I want to explore the question of usefulness. Even more so, I want to explore how the usefulness ties into the modelling process. The reason for doing so is simple: Part of our efforts at CyberCat is to build software tools to improve and accelerate the modelling process.

The importance of this is also evident: If models are useful, and we improve the process generating useful models, we improve our decision-making. And in so far as these improvements tie into computing technology, as they do in our opinion, improvements could be significant.

Economic models

My question, "are economic models useful", is quite lofty. So, let's first do some unpacking.

What do I mean by economic model? A mathematical, formal model which relates to the domain of decision-making at hand. A prototypical example is a model that tells us how to bid in an auction. Such models are often classified as applied economic models.2

Why do I emphasize "economic"? If my question was: Are mathematical models useful for decision-making, the answer would be a simple yes and we could call it a day. Operations research models are in production for a multitude of tasks (job scheduling, inventory management, revenue management etc.). In fact, many of these models are so pervasive that it is easy to forget them. Just think about the business models that have been built on the navigation and prediction functionalities of Google maps.

The distinction between operations research and economics is obviously blurry and more due to artificial academic barriers than fundamental differences (check out Oliver's post on this). I am making the crude distinction that economic models are about several agents interacting - most often strategically - whereas traditional operations research models are focused on single decision-makers.

Now, this is crude because obviously operations research by now also includes auctions and other models that are interactive in this way. Moreover, as Oliver pointed out in another post several leading economists who advanced the practical use of economic models (which we still come to) have an operations research background.

It is, I think, also not a coincidence that operations research has moved into the realm of interactive agents: Due to globalization and in particular the internet, companies have become more interconnected and also have much more technical leverage. 50 years ago, the idea that a regular company could be designing their own market probably would have been quite a thing. Today, it is part of the standard startup toolkit.

Technology and interconnectedness are driving the need for models that help decide in such a world as well as design the frameworks and protocols in which decisions take place. Economic models are the natural candidate for this task.


Let's turn to the central part of my question. What do I mean by useful? Opinions on this vary widely. According to Rubinstein, the question how a model can be useful is already ill-posed. Models are not useful. Models might carry a lesson and can transform our thinking. But they are of little value for concrete decisions.

In economics, Rubinstein's position is an extreme point. On the other side of the extreme, economists and even more importantly computer scientists are working on market design and mechanism design models.3 Models in this spirit are "very" practical: they do affect decisions in a concrete sense - they get implemented in the form of algorithms and are embedded in software systems.

We can think of fables and algorithms as two ends of a spectrum - from basically irrelevant to decisive for a choice we have to make. While it is hard to precisely locate a given model on this "usefulness" line, we can consider how a model can become more useful when moving along the spectrum. Of course, what constitutes value and who benefits how from a model changes along this path as well. The usefulness of a model is a matter of degree and not an absolute.

Let's begin at the fable end and start moving inroads. How can a model produce value? If we are faced with infinitely many ways to think about a situation, even a simplistic model can be valuable. It helps to focus and to select a few key dimensions. This aspect becomes even more important in an organizational context where people have to collaborate and it is very easy to get lost in a myriad of possibility and different interpretations.

Many classic games (in the game theory sense) like the Battle of the Sexes, Matching Pennies, and of course the Prisoners' Dilemma help to focus on key issues - for instance the interdependency between actions and their consequences. To be clear, the connection how to map a model into a concrete decision is very loose in this case and the value of the model lies in the eyes of the analyst.

These games often focus on a few actions ("defect" or "cooperate"). Moreover, agents have perfect information about the consequences of their actions and the actions of others. In many situations, e.g. in business contexts, choices are more fine-grained and information is not perfect. Models in Industrial Organization routinely incorporate these aspects, for instance analyzing competition between companies. From a practical perspective, these models often resemble the following pattern: If we had information X, the model would help us make a decision. Consider strategic pricing: It is standard in these models to assume demand to be known or at least drawn from a known distribution. The demand curve will then be typically a smooth, mathematically well behaved object. Such models can produce insights - no doubt about it.

But they rarely help to make a concrete decision, e.g. what prices to charge. There are many reasons for this but let me just give an obvious one as a co-founder of a startup: I would love to maximize a demand curve and price our services accordingly. But the reality is: I do not have a curve. Hell, if I am lucky I observe a handful of points (price-quantity combinations). But these points might not even be on any actual demand curve in the model's sense. So, while useful for structuring discussions around pricing, in the actual decision to set prices, the model is only one (possibly small) input. And this is very typical. Such models provide insights and do help to inform decisions. But they are only part of a collage of inputs into a decision.

There are economic models which do play a more dominant role in shaping decisions. Consider auctions. There is a rich theory that helps to choose a specific auction format to solve a given allocation problem. Still, even in this case, there are gaps between the model and the actual implementation, for instance when it comes to multi-unit auctions.

The examples I gave are obviously not meant to be exhaustive. There are other ways how a model can be useful. But this is not so important. The main point is, that all along the usefulness line, economic models can produce value. The question is not whether a model produces a choice but whether, at the margin, it helps us make better decisions. And this can happen all along the spectrum. Moreover, ceteris paribus, the further we move along the path towards the algorithm end, the more influence the economic model gains relative to other inputs into a decision and the more value it produces.

If we accept this, then an immediate question comes up: How can we push models from the fable side more towards the algorithm side? Let's explore this.

The process of modelling and the library of models

I first need to discuss how models get located on a specific point on the usefulness line in the first place. But this requires digging into the actual modelling process. Note again that I am only interested in "instrumental" modelling - models that are useful for a specific decision at hand. My exposition will be simplistic and subjective. I will neither cover the full range of opinions nor be grounded in any philosophical discussions of economics. This is just me describing how I see this (and also how I have used models in my work at 20squares).

Applied models in economics are a mixture of mathematical formalism and interpretative mapping connecting the internals of the model to the outside world. Mappings are not exclusive: The same formal structure can be mapped to different domains. The Prisoner's dilemma is such an example. It has various interpretations from two prisoners in separate cells to nuclear powers facing each other.

The formal, inner workings of models are "closed" objects. What do I mean by that? Each model describes a typically isolated mechanism, e.g. connecting a specific market design with some desirable properties. The formal model has no interfaces to the outside world. And therefore it cannot be connected to other models at the formal level. In that sense a model is a self-contained story.

Let me contrast this with a completely different domain: If one thinks about functional programming, then everything is about the composability of functions (modulo types). The whole point of programming is that one program (which is a function) can be composed with another program (which is a function) to produce a new program (which is a function).4

Back to economic models. When it comes to applications, the "right" model is not god given. So, how does the process of modelling real world phenomena look like?

As observed by Dani Rodrik5, the evolution of applied models in economics is different from the evolution of theories in physics. In physics one theory regularly supersedes another theory. In economics, the same rarely happens. The practice of modelling is rather about developing new models, like new stories, that then get added to the canon.

One can compare this to a library where each book stands for a model that has been added at some point. Applied modelling then means mapping a concrete problem into a model among the existing staple or, if something is missing, develop a new model and add it to the canon.

Inherent in this process is the positioning of a model on a specific point in the spectrum between fables and algorithms. Models mostly take on a fixed position on the line and will stay there. There are exogenous factors that influence the positioning and that can change over time. For instance, the domain matters. If you build a model of an intergallactic trading institution, it is safe to assume that this model will not be directly useful. Of course, this might change.

Like stories, certain models do get less fashionable over time, others become prominent for a while, and a select few stay ever-greens. Economists studying financial crises in 2006 were not really standing in the spotlight of attention. That changed radically one year later.6

Let me emphasize another aspect. I depicted applied models as packages of internal, formal structure and interpretative maps connecting the internals with some outside phenomenon. This interpretative mapping is subjective. And indeed discussions in economic policy often do not focus on the internal consistency of models but instead are more about the adequateness of the model's mapping (and its assumptions) for the question at hand. Ultimately, this discourse is verbal and it is structurally not that different from deciding which story in the bible (or piece of literature, or movie) is the best representation of a specific decision problem.

The more a model will lean towards the fable side, the more it will be just one piece in a larger puzzle and the more other sources of information a decision-maker will seek. This might include other economic models but of course also sources outside. Different models and other sources of information need to be integrated.

As a consequence, whatever powers we gain through the formal model, a lot of it is lost the moment we move beyond the model's inner working and need to compare and select between different models as well as integrate with other sources. A synthesis at the formal level is not feasible.

Let me summarize so far: A model's position on the spectrum of fable to algorithm is mostly given. There is not much we can do to push a single model along. Moreover, we have no systematic way of synthesizing different models - which would be another possibility to advance along the spectrum.

We have been mostly concerned with the type of output the modelling process generates. Let's also briefly turn to the inputs. Modelling by and large today is not that different compared to 50 years ago. Sure, co-authorships have increased, computers are used, and papers circulate online. But in the end, the modelling process is still a slow, labor-intensive craft and demands a lot from the modeller. He or she needs knowledge in the domain, must be familiar with the canon of models, needs judgment to balance off the tradeoffs involved in different models, etc.

This makes the modelling process costly. And it means we cannot brute force our way to push models from fable to algorithm. In fact, in the context of policy questions many economists like Dani Rodrik7 criticize the fact that discussions focus on a single model whereas a discussion would be more robust if it could be grounded in a collage of different models. But generating an adequate model is just very costly.8

Taken together, the nature of the model generating process as well as its cost function, are bottlenecks that we need to overcome if we want to transform the modelling process.

Let's go back to our (functional) programming domain to see an alternative paradigm. Here, we are also relying on libraries. But the process of using them is markedly different. Sure, one can just simply choose programs from a library an apply it. But one can also compose models and form new, more powerful programs. One can synthesize different programs; and one can find better abstractions through the patterns of multiple programs which do similar things. Lastly, one can refine a program by adding details. And of course, if you consider statistical modelling, this modularity is already present in many software packages.

It is modularity which gives computing scalability. And it is this missing modularity which severely limits the scalability of economic modelling.

Consider the startup pricing example I gave before. Say, I thought about using a pricing model to compute prices but I am lacking the demand information. What am I supposed to do? Right now, I am most likely forced to abandon the model altogether and choose a different framework instead.

What I would like to do instead is to have my model in a modular shape so that I could add a "demand" module and combine it with my pricing optimization - maybe a sampling procedure or even just a heuristic. The feature I want is that I have a coherent path from low to higher resolution.

The goal behind our research and engineering efforts is to lift economic modelling to this paradigm. Yet, we do not just want to compose software packages. We want an actual composition of economic models AND the software built on top.

How to get there? Compositionality!

Say, we want to turn the manual modelling process, which mostly relies on craft, experience and judgement, into a software engineering process. But not only that. We are aiming for a framework of synthesis in which formal mathematical models can be composed.

How should we go about this? This is totally unclear! Even more, the question does not even make sense. This is a bit like asking how do we multiply a story from Hemingway with a story by Marquez.9

Similarly, models in economics are independent and closed objects and generally do not compose. It is here where the "Cat" in CyberCat comes in. Category theory gives us a way to consider open systems and model them by default relative to an environment. It is this feature which allows us to even consider the composition of models - for instance the composition of game theoretic models we developed.

Another central feature that is enabled through category theory is the following paradigm:

model == code

That is, the formalism can be seamlessly translated back and forth between model and an actual (software) implementation. Thereby, instead of modelling on pen and paper, modelling itself becomes programming. It is important to note that we do not just want to translate mathematical models into simulations but code does actually symbolically represent mathematical statements.

To summarize, category theory gives us a formal language of composable economic models which can be directly implemented.

Equipped with this foundation, we can turn to the programming language design task to turn the modelling process into a process of software engineering.

Industrial mass customization of economic models

Modelling as programming enables the iterative refinement of models. Whereas in the traditional sense, models are not only closed but also dead wood (written on paper), under this paradigm models are more like living objects which can be (automatically) updated over time.

Instead of building a library of books, in our case the models are part of a software library. Which means the overall environment becomes way more powerful over time, as the ecosystem grows.

Composition also means division of labor. We can build models where parts are treated superficially at first but then details get filled in later. This can mean more complexity but most importantly means that we can build consistent models that are extended, refined, and updated over time.

These aspects resemble similar attempts in mathematics and the use of proof assistants and verification systems more generally. Here is Terence Tao on these efforts10:

One thing that changed is the development of standard math libraries. Lean, in particular, has this massive project called mathlib. All the basic theorems of undergraduate mathematics, such as calculus and topology, and so forth, have one by one been put in this library. So people have already put in the work to get from the axioms to a reasonably high level. And the dream is to actually get [the libraries] to a graduate level of education. Then it will be much easier to formalize new fields [of mathematics]. There are also better ways to search because if you want to prove something, you have to be able to find the things that it already has confirmed to be true. So also the development of really smart search engines has been a major new development.

It also means different forms of collaboration between field experts and across traditional boundaries. Need a financial component in that traditional IO model? No problem, get a finance expert to write this part - a modern pin factory equivalent. See again Terence Tao11:

With formalization projects, what we’ve noticed is that you can collaborate with people who don’t understand the entire mathematics of the entire project, but they understand one tiny little piece. It’s like any modern device. No single person can build a computer on their own, mine all the metals and refine them, and then create the hardware and the software. We have all these specialists, and we have a big logistics supply chain, and eventually we can create a smartphone or whatever. Right now, in a mathematical collaboration, everyone has to know pretty much all the mathematics, and that is a stumbling block, as [Scholze] mentioned. But with these formalizations, it is possible to compartmentalize and contribute to a project only knowing a piece of it.

Lastly, the current developments of ML and AI favor the setup of our system. We can leverage the rapid development of ML and AI to improve the tooling on both ends of the pipeline: Users are supported in the modelling setup and solving or analyses of models becomes easier.

The common thread behind all of our efforts is to boost the modelling process. The traditional process is manual, slow, and limited by domain expertise - in other words very expensive.

Our goal is to turn manual work into mass customizable production.

Closing remarks

What I described so far is narrowly limited to economic modelling. Where is the "Cybernetics"?

First, I focused on the composability of economic models. But the principles of the categorical approach extend beyond this domain. This includes the understanding how apparently distinct approaches share commonality (e.g. game theory and learning) and how different structures can be composed (build game theoretic models on top of some underlying structure like networks). In short, we work towards a whole "theory stack".

Second, the software engineering process depicted above focuses very narrowly on extending the economic modelling process itself. But the same approach will mirror the theory stack with software enabling analyses along each level.

Third, once we are operating software, we open the ability towards leveraging other software to support the modelling process. This follows pragmatic needs and can range from data analytics to LLMs.

A general challenge to decision-making is the hyper-specialization of expert knowledge. But as decisions are more and more interconnected, what is lacking is the ability to synthesize this knowledge. Just consider the decision-making of governments during the Covid epidemic. For instance, in the decision to close schools, one cannot simply rely on a single group of domain experts (say physicians). One needs to synthesize the outcomes of different models following different methodologies from different domains. We want to develop frameworks in which these tradeoffs can be articulated.

  1. Ariel Rubinstein. Economic fables. Open book publishers, 2012, p.16 

  2. I will focus on micro-economic models. They are simply closest to my home base and relevant for my daily work. 

  3. The view on what economists do there is markedly different from Rubinstein's. Prominently Al Roth: The Economist as Engineer: Game Theory, Experimentation, and Computation as Tools for Design Economics

  4. And probably most importantly, functions themselves can be input to other functions. 

  5. Economics Rules: The Rights and Wrongs of The Dismal Science. New York: W.W. Norton; 2015 

  6. Of course, the classification of practical and non-practical is not exclusive to economics. Mathematics is full of examples of domains that are initially seen as without any practical use and then turned out to be important later on. 

  7. Ibid. 

  8. In addition, if the modelling falls to academics, then also their incentives kick in. The chances for publishing a model on a subject that has already been tackled by a prominent model can be very low - in particular in the case of a null-result. 

  9. We might of course come up with a way how these two stories can be combined or compared. But this requires extra work; there is no operation to achieve this generically. These days we might ask an LLM to do so. And indeed this might be a useful direction for the future to support this process. 

  10. Quoted from this interview 

  11. Ibid.